24 Hour Fast Benefits| Boost Your Weight Loss!

24 hour fast benefits


24 hour fast benefits will be discussed in this article so if you are considering a fast you are in the right place.

Fasting is nothing new, but it has gained popularity recently and it’s most likely due to the amazing benefits you receive from it.

If you are new to fasting than a 24 hour fast would be a good place to start. You could go longer, but always good to try something new in small steps.

There are a wide range of benefits from fasting and if you just need a little nudge to find out why you should do it then that’s what you’ll learn here.

Before we get started Please consult a physician or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.


24 hour fast benefits


5 Health Benefits Of Fasting

Here are five reasons you should fast below:

#1. Boost Brain Function

24 hour fast benefits include brain function. This article from Dr. Perlmutter explains the psychological benefits of fasting.

Fasting also has the following benefits for your brain:

  • Improved cognitive function
  • Increase in learning
  • Better memory
  • Alertness is increased


24 hour fast benefits


#2. Weight Loss

24 hour fast benefits can boost weight loss. Of course, you would need to fast for longer than 24 hours if your goal is to lose weight.

Although fasting has been found to be more beneficial for weight loss than calorie counting.

However, intermitted fasting can prove to help you lose weight because decreasing insulin levels causes cells to release their glucose stores as energy.


#3. Improves Immune System

24 hour fast benefits include reducing damage from oxidative stress and increases resilience to future oxidative stress. And lowers bad cholesterol levels or Low-density Lipoproteins.

An interesting article in science alert reveals that fasting for just 24 hours boosts the regeneration of stem cells.


24 hour fast benefits


#4. Slows Aging

Who doesn’t want to slow down the aging process? I know of the 24 hour fast benefits this one will help you want to try fasting for yourself.

You might ask how fasting can help slow aging? It’s because of the reduced oxidative stress. When you fast you help speed up your metabolism which helps slow down the aging process.


#5. Spirituality

Another reason to fast is that it increases your spirituality. When you fast you can become more present and closer to God in prayer and meditation.

24 hour fast benefits will help you become more aware of your surroundings, become more alert, and have more gratitude for the life you have been given.


24 hour fast benefits


How To Fast For 24 Hours

If you love food as I do than the hardest part about fasting will be mentally thinking about it. Not getting to eat any food can be scary for some, but it’s not as difficult as you think.

Depending on when you wake up is when the 24 hours fast will start. In reality, all you have to do is make it through the hours you are awake.

If you sleep for 8 hours than you only need to go 16 hours and when you wake up the next day the fast is over. It’s very straight forward and isn’t very complicated.

Here are some fasting tips below:

  • Drink Plenty Of Water
  • Stop Fasting If You Feel Unwell
  • Multi-Vitamins Can Help Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Exercise Should Be Light


Is Fasting For 24 Hours Safe?

Fasting for short periods of time is considered safe, but there are some people that should consult with a medical professional before attempting to fast.

Some of the people that may need to stay away from fasting or consult their physician first are the following:

  • Older Adults
  • People With Heart Disease Or Type 2 Diabetes
  • People That Are Under Weight
  • Adolescents
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Those with an eating disorder

This is not a complete list just some examples of people that should not attempt fasting unless they get an ok from their doctor.

It’s always best to make sure you have your medical providers approval before starting a new diet or exercise program.


24 Hour Fast Benefits Video Below:



24 hour fast benefits are many, but it’s not for everyone. The bottom line is that if you are in doubt that you should attempt to fast you should check with your medical provider first.

Once you try fasting for a short period of time you can experience increased benefits from long term or intermittent fasting.

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