Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness Weight Loss

Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness Weight Loss

Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness Weight Loss

When I was learning martial arts as a kid I never thought about it as great way to lose weight.

I just wanted to learn self defense at the time.

As I got older I realized how much cardio is part of my martial arts workouts.

You are guaranteed to sweat a ton as you practice punching, kicking, and sparring with other students.

Exercise can take many forms.

Some people don’t enjoy the typical gym workout.

If you would rather workout outside of the gym too.

You will enjoy this article.

It will help you discover Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness Weight Loss.

Learning Martial Arts has many advantages besides learning how to protect yourself.

It’s also a great way to stay in shape and for physical fitness.

I have benefited from martial arts and use weight training or cardio to enhance my training in mixed martial arts.

I was asked what is the best martial arts for self defense and fitness.

It took me by surprise because I didn’t know the answer at the time.

Since then, I have researched this question and in case you are wondering too.

Keep reading till the end, and discover the answer to this question.

Top Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness

This list isn’t in any type of order it’s just a rundown of each of the best martial arts for getting in shape and learning how to defend yourself at the same time.

Losing weight doesn’t have to be all hard work and no fun.

In fact learning self defense is a great way to keep and stay in shape for many years.

If you have ever wanted to learn martial arts you can learn about several different styles that can help you decide which one is right for you.

Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness Weight Loss could come down to your personal preference.

Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness Weight Loss


Usually at the beginning of my judo classes there would be jumping jacks follow by stretching and then learning to fall.

All of this is done to prevent injuries and warm you up for the main event later in class.

You’ll be taught to throw your opponent and defend against strikes.

Very important to learn how to fall in different way and positions.

It gets your blood pumping after just a few minutes.

Before you even begin sparring there are numerous exercises that will take place.

Then you will begin another intense session of throwing your opponent to the ground.

If you take up Judo as your martial of choice you better not mind being thrown to the ground.

Because it will happen often.

Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness Weight Loss

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu -BJJ

Currently one of the most popular martial arts.

BJJ is recognized from the popularity of mixed martial arts fighting such as UFC and Bellator.

It’s very effective against many other styles of martial arts and I believe it necessary to learn if you want to be great at defending yourself and have a better overall arsenal to your list of combat skills.

If you are out of shape you might want to ease into this one because the amount of time you will spend rolling on the ground with your training partner is exhausting.

You might not think so, but you’ll be sweating profusely in no time at all.

It’s amazing that in only a few weeks of this training you’ll feel yourself become more limber and able quickly maneuver your opponent as you both look for the move that will end the battle on the ground.

Tae Kwon Do

I started my martial arts training with Tae Kwon Do.

It’s a lot of fun and a great workout. Each class usually starts with data and a bunch of kicks and punches.

You feel sore from the hundreds if not thousands of striking moves during warm-ups.

we did sit ups, push ups, and several laps around our instructor which definitely had my heart pumping and prepared me for the sparring sessions.

Some classes would include one on one sparring while others we would learn to take on multiple opponents at the same time.

I found this to be challenging and a ton of fun.

Guys, you’ll need a cup and don’t forget mouthpiece and shin pads.

I had so many bruises from Tea Kwon do that I think some bruises were on top of others.

Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness Weight Loss


This is another style of martial arts from Brazil and it plays in an intense dance circle called a roda and practice gymnastics, static postures and flexibility exercises.

Personally, I’ve never tried this, but I watched it executed and you would need to be in great shape to partake in this one.

Improves your stamina and you’ll be able to land fast kicks to your opponent that most of the time they won’t see coming.

It’s kinda like dance and yoga at the same time.

I think it would take several months to get the movements down, but once you do you’d be able to do something not a lot of people can.

Someday I will try Capoeira and find out if it’s my new martial art of choice.

Mixed Martial Arts-MMA

Today everyone knows of MMA or mixed martial arts.

It’s a combination of martial arts all compacted into one very entertaining and effective form of fighting.

Be prepared to know at least some grappling and striking before getting started and the culture can be very aggressive so it might be better suited to someone at least intermediate in martial arts.

Although it’s a great exercise whether you are a beginner or advanced.

You’ve probably noticed by watching UFC for example that these athletes are in great shape.

Most of them have six-pack abs and low body fat percentages which is why it’s on the list.

I love MMA and think it will be even more popular than boxing if it isn’t already.

It’s the definition of martial arts and fitness.

Mixed martial arts will have you doing weight training, cardio, sparring, and practicing your martial arts movements.

Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness Weight Loss

Weight Loss Tips That Work

Best martial arts for self defense and fitness weight loss will keep you in shape.

Below Are Weight Loss Tips To Help You Keep The Weight Off:

#1. Stay Hydrated

Many people don’t drink enough water.

In fact it’s common to drink just about everything else and skip the H20.

Instead make sure you have the required daily water amount.

This can help you lose weight by helping you to feel full.

And water is essential for everybody.

#2. Avoid Sugar

If you have a sweet tooth like I do.

Avoiding sugar can be very difficult.

You can satisfy your cravings for sweets with alternatives below:

  • Honey
  • Yogurt
  • Berries
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Snack Bars

#3. Get Plenty Of Sleep

I am bad about this one.

It seems I am always up too late.

Your typical night owl.

Although it’s recommended that adults get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.

This can help you avoid late night snacks.

And burn more calories.

#4. Don’t Skip Breakfast

I used to wake up not wanting to eat anything.

Then I got in the habit of never skipping breakfast.

And I didn’t eat as much for lunch.

Not only that I actually lost weight.

Whole grain cereal or protein shake are good quick options.

#5. Have More Protein

Try to include protein at all of your meals.

This trick will help you feel fuller longer.

Fitness experts also recommend eating every 3 to 4 hours.

Final Thoughts On Finding The Best Martial Arts For Self Defense And Fitness

Best martial arts for self defense and fitness weight loss.

Which one is your favorite?

You need to decide what is most important to you before selecting the martial art that is right for you.

If it’s to get in shape and have fun learning a martial art than any of the choices above will be great.

Best martial arts for self defense and fitness weight loss.

Can improve your health and help you feel better about your appearance.

If you are looking for only self-defense and want the best training available, then you can’t go wrong by at least learning BJJ.

I would choose Mixed Martial Arts If you are looking for the absolute number one best martial arts for fitness health and overall martial arts self-defense.

Please leave any questions or comments regarding best martial arts for self defense and fitness weight loss.

I’ll look forward to interacting with you soon.

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