How To Lose Weight When You Are Over 200 Pounds

how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds

If you have been struggling to lose weight and nothing has worked so far then how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds is perfect for you.

I was always a person that tried to stay healthy and exercise, but working 60 plus hours every week and then too many late nights out drinking took its toll on me.

Gradually I gained over 25 pounds which put me way over the 200-pound range my clothes were tight fitting and I just felt sluggish and ashamed of how I let myself go.

If you can relate to my story you might have felt the following too…

That no diet ever works for the long term?

Despite your best efforts the scale keeps creeping up and up?

You more than anything wants to be thin and confident in the way you look, but nothing ever works?

That’s because a lot of people go about losing weight the wrong way. Before counting calories, you have to understand it’s emotional.

Getting The Right Mind Set

How to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds is partially about having the right mindset to reach your goal of being a thinner and more attractive person both inside and outside.

Visualize Where You Would Like To Be One Year From Now On The Following Questions:

  • Picture in your mind how you will look when you reach your weight loss goal. What will this feel like to you?
  • What will this weight loss do for your self-esteem?
  • Are you putting off living life to the fullest because of your desire and need to lose weight?
  • How would your life change a year from now if you reached your weight loss goal?
  • How will you reward yourself when you look and feel the way you have pictured in your mind?

I was talking to a Pro Bodybuilder at the gym years ago, but what he told me I still remember and use to this day because it works every time.

I asked what are the keys to reaching your goals physically…

He said before you start any goal, picture in your mind what this will look like, feel like and make it as real as possible like it already happened.

how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds

It has to feel real or you will create doubt …

Eliminate all doubt and have absolute confidence that you will reach this goal Then it’s only a matter of time.

Lock on to that picture of success in your mind and replay it over and over again throughout the day.

He reinforced … it all starts in the mind!

I have personally trained and helped many people with how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds.

Now it’s your turn.

8 Fast Weight Loss Tips If You Are Over 200 lbs


You didn’t gain all the weight you want to lose overnight and it won’t go away overnight…

… There is a pattern that has to be broken. It could be just out of laziness, stress, or a combination of things.

As you just read getting your mind right is step one. Everything we do start in our mind.

Work on picturing thoughts you would have when you are the weight you desire. Would you be thinking about the same things?

Probably not…

For example, instead of eating when you are stressed go for a walk or take a shower there are many things you can do to replace bad habits.


There is an interesting article from the Mayo Clinic about emotional eating that you should check out if this is something you would like to learn about more in-depth.

The Top Three Emotional Factors Are:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression

This is a crucial step is losing weight fast. If you need help with any of these areas look to get into a support group or a good book on the subject can also be helpful.

Whatever it takes this could be the make it or break it step in how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds.

how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds


Well it will come as no surprise that you will need to change your diet.

I know you love carbs don’t we all… but if you want to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds you will need to go cold turkey.

No carbohydrates for at least one month.

A lot of people have had amazing results detoxing drinking this tea and it will also help you with any craving you might have as you detox.

If you’re interested in getting it for yourself read more about how detoxing with this skinny tea has helped thousands of people flush fat fast here as well as get it for a discount by clicking the link on this page.

After at least a month away from carbohydrates, your body can be reintroduced to carbs.

You’ll notice the positive ways your body reacts and how much better you feel just from completing this step alone.


Part of how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds will require you to stop calorie counting.


When I had gained so much weight I was suffering from hormonal damage and it’s like you are too. That’s why counting calories is a bad idea at this time.

You are most likely affected by cortisol, insulin resistance, among other things.

Focus on eating quality foods like the ones here that help you lose weight.

how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds


You need quick results within 3 to 4 weeks for your short term and long term success on how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds.

When you see the weight start to melt away which usually takes around 2 to 3 weeks before it’s noticeable to you in the mirror.

This will motivate you to lose more weight and keep going. I’ve seen it many times when training a client at the gym if they didn’t see results in a few days that would be enough to make some give up.

A few days is definitely not enough time to see any improvements, but a few weeks yes and sometimes your friends and family will notice your improvements before you will.

This is a very exciting step in the process.


I understand how it feels to be overweight and have a low self imagine it’s even worse if you are used to looking a certain way and now you are a shadow of your former self.

Love yourself and make a commitment that you are going to work on yourself and become better than you are right now.

Accept where you are and make consistent daily efforts to improve and move closer and closer to that picture of the new you in your mind.

how to lose weight when you are over 200 pounds


According to WebMD people that drank water before a meal ate an average of 75 fewer calories.

Every body has different needs when it comes to water intake based on factors such as how often you exercise or being overweight.

A good standard rule to start with is to drink 64 ounces of water a day.


Depending on your level of fitness you can gauge this by a few things how often do you work out already.

I was one of those people that still worked out, but had a terrible diet. If you don’t work out at all it’s good to start with 15 to 20 minutes of walking.

Even if you don’t have a gym membership you can exercise at home and get started, but you will probably need to invest in yourself and go to a health club eventually.

There are only so many exercises you can do without the machines a gym gives you not to mention the help of a personal trainer if you want that extra guidance and motivation.

You should exercise at least 3-4 days every week and do cardio on your off days when starting out.

I’ll be providing a Free guide soon that will offer you a step-by-step work out routine that can help you get started.

Make sure to enter your email for the DietDrinkStore newsletter to get it as soon as it’s available.


How to lose weight when you are 200 pounds isn’t as bad as you might have thought. Following these tips will give you a head start to get the results that will give you long term benefits.

Remember that you have to believe in yourself that you can do this and create the right mindset so it’s only a matter of time before you look just like the person you picture in your mind.

This works, I’ve done it along with countless others.


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