Arnold Schwarzenegger 6 Rules To Success

arnolds six rules of success
arnolds 6 rules

Growing up in the 80s and being a fan of fitness I looked up to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

He inspired me to go from an out of shape kid to dedicating my life to health and fitness.

Along the journey to living a fitter life style i’ve learned that it’s more than just working out in the gym and eating right.

To be successful in life you need the right mental attitude to get you there.

Most people recognize Arnold’s achievements in bodybuilding and the health and fitness industry.

But do you know his rules for becoming so successful?

Read on to learn Arnold Schwarzenegger’s rules to success.

arnold schwarzenegger rules to success

1. Trust Yourself

You have to Trust and believe in yourself that you will achieve your goal. NO Matter what anyone else thinks!

2. Break Some Rules

Think outside the box and break the rules. Don’t try to be like everyone else. Ignore Negative attitudes of those around you.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Fail

Failing is part of life. It’s a part of the process on the road to success. Never be afraid to fail. Always be willing to fail. Keep pushing because you believe in yourself.

4. Ignore The Naysayers

Never listen to the naysayers. When someone says it can’t be done, prove them wrong. When someone says it can’t be done, Don’t listen to them.

5. Work Like Hell

Train like Hell! Work Hard… Push Yourself. When you want to give up Keep Pushing Forward. You can’t climb the ladders of success with your hands in your pocket. Leave no stone unturned. No Pain No Gain!

6. Give Something Back

Always give back. Find time to give something back to your country or community. Help those less fortunate. This will bring you more satisfaction than anything else you have done.

arnolds 6 rules


Every now and then we can all use some additional motivation to reach our goals. If you are struggling remember Arnolds rules.

Train like hell and never listen to the naysayers are my favorite rules on this list.

If you focus on what you want and never give up you’ll be the success you always wanted.

I hope this post gave you some motivation to carry on and keep going. Which rule is your favorite? Leave you comments below.

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