Best Ways To Crush Your Food Cravings

best ways to crush your food cravings

Do you like Pizza, Burgers, and all things fast food?

If you love food like I do and find it difficult to avoid those foods that are making you overweight or you just can’t seem to stick to your diet.

This post is exactly what you have been looking for…

…In it you’ll learn the best ways to crush your food cravings

And be better prepared to avoid those tempting foods.

best ways to crush your food cravings

Tips To Crush Your Food Cravings

Drink Water

Most people grab a soda or juice which has a lot of calories and doesn’t fill you up. Drinking more water reduces your craving by helping you feel full and of course, it’s a much healthier choice.

Alternatives to drinking plain water is coconut water.

You could also have an unsweetened tea or coffee.

Schedule Treats

One of the reasons people fail at diets is they can’t stick to them. You don’t have to be so strict with yourself if you plan treats in advance.

Instead of just eating whatever you want when you feel the urge come on. Schedule in advance a time when you can eat desserts.

And make sure to limit your portions. This can easily get out of control if you don’t control the portions here.

Tame Your Sweet Tooth

It’s probably safe to say that pretty much everyone has a sweet tooth from time to time. Instead of grabbing that cookie, chocolate, or candy. Try these alternatives to tame your sweet tooth.

  • pomegranate arils – Are only 100 calories and taste great.
  • Dried Apricot – One cup is only 79 calories which are approximately 5 Apricots.
  • Kind Bar – One of my favorite bars comes in a variety of flavors.

Need A Crunchy Alternative

Who doesn’t like potato chips? I think that is my favorite crunchy snack, but it’s one of those foods that can really add your calories up fast.

You’ll get your crunch on and stay within your diet by eating from the choices below:

Grape Nuts Cereal – A 1/4 Cup of Grape Nuts in 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt is only 200 calories.

Popcornopolis Nearly Naked Popcorn – is only 130 calories in a 4 cups serving. Broken down further that’s 47% fat, 47% carbs, and 6% protein.

best ways to crush your food cravings

Get A Massage

Did you know that relieving tension via acupressure points helps regulate the hypothalamus, the part of your brain that controls hunger and stress hormones?

You can even do this yourself by using both of your hands to massage both sides of the spine where your hairline meets your neck.

Don’t Skip Meals

It’s common to skip a meal here and there, but you should do you best to avoid that. Especially breakfast as it is considered the most important meal of the day.

Get More Sleep

According to most experts, you should be getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep. If you’re not you are more likely to crave carbs.

Brush Your Teeth

best ways to crush your cravings

Brushing your teeth is an effective way to curve your cravings because the mint in toothpaste is a palate cleanser and can serve to kick your current craving.


If you have never tried any of these ways to crush your food cravings you should give them a try. It’s not always easy to eat healthily, but if you make it a lifestyle decision you will make it a habit to choose better food options.

There are several good books that give additional tips on eating healthy as well as recipes that will help you lose weight and keep it off.

As always feel free to leave your questions or comments below. Need a question answered on weight loss or exercise we are here for you.