Diet Plan For Men That Actually Works

diet plan for men

Are you looking for a diet plan for men?

Men and women have different needs and that is true when it comes to exercise and dieting too.

I have been on the diet struggle as a man for many years.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and love what I see and other times I don’t wanna look.

If you have experienced this too you will want to read this post to the end.

You see a good diet is supposed to be simple and not make your life overcomplicated.

Because the key to a sustainable fitness lifestyle is to have your diet simplified so that you’re able to stick to it long-term.

This is where a lot of diets go wrong.

 And one way to keep things simple is to be focusing on the number of calories you’re going to take throughout the day.

This has worked for me and it can work for you too.

At first, it may seem difficult especially if you have never tried it before.

If you stick with it you will reap the rewards of the lean muscular body you are aiming for.

This is a diet plan for men.

diet plan for men
Track Your Nutrition & Health Data with

The Diet Plan For Men

For starters, I recommend tracking your daily calories intake to have a clear picture of how your diet looks like and how you can manipulate it afterward.

Next is to determine what are your macronutrients percentage and finally the essential micronutrients (which can be easily covered with supplements). 

Trust me, by becoming aware of your daily food intake, you will ultimately make better food choices in the near future.

You will be surprised at how much you are eating on a daily basis when you first start tracking your food intake.

I know I was and it stopped me in my tracks…

No wonder I was gaining so much weight.

Diet Plan Tip: Preparation is the key to eating healthy. It may sound tricky and complex to prepare. Do not over-think it, instead choose foods that you enjoy eating and make a balanced meal.

So what foods should you avoid?

Generally, you should be avoiding food that makes you feel ‘bloated’, ‘sick’ and ‘low-energy’.

This includes processing, highly-toxic (with chemicals), junk food and sugary foods. 

Sugar is the main factor that you should really look out for as it is present in foods particularly that aren’t fresh, frozen or dried.

Additionally, sauces such as pasta sauce, ketchup, and chili sauce contain sugar as well.

This is usually not even a consideration for some, but believe me, it all adds up.

And finally, fruit juices and fizzy drinks are things that you need to avoid as well.

You probably already knew that, but it’s worth mentioning.

diet plan for men

Supplements For Men

Taking supplements can give you the needed boost that you are looking for.

This is especially true as men get older.

Older meaning after 30.

And if you’re not careful, you’ll end up burning a hole in your wallet with supplements that do not work.

So let’s look at some supplements you should avoid first.

There are a lot of people these days sold to the craze of muscle enhancing supplements that promise jaw-dropping muscle mass development.

Supplements that do not offer any muscle growth are considered placebo pills and powders which are the implication to your mind that it affects your body.

With that said there are many good supplements on the market today.

The first one you should consider especially if you are a man in his 30s, 40s, and 50s is Testosterone Booster.

They are supplements that increase testosterone levels in the blood, most of the compounds do boost testosterone levels and there are those which do not actually boost testosterone.

It is recommended to cycle testosterone boosters as they do have side-effects that could be detrimental to your health if taken excessively.

The key to building muscle is proper training and nutrition not reliance on supplements.

diet plan for men

Protein For Men Which One Should You Choose?

Diet for men should include protein.

It’s a quick, convenient and cost-effective way to hit your daily protein targets.

Whey protein is not the cheapest, but it is popular due to the high BCAA content, particularly leucine, which is critical to the muscle-building process. 

Some protein companies can dump cheap amino acids into the mix (mainly glycine and taurine), skimping on the actual whey content, which is expensive, and yet still pass some quality tests.

Here are some red flags to look out for when choosing a whey powder:

#1. The cost per pound/kilo of claimed protein content is considerably cheaper than average. You can be ripped off and pay way too much (You can even find places that sell 10x market price in luxury gyms!)

#2. It has a proprietary blend (or doesn’t list leucine content).

#3. Leucine content, when listed, is lower than 2.7 g per 25 g of protein content (the BCAA content of whey is 25%, leucine should be 11%).


Diet plan for men also has other useful supplements worth mentioning such as Multivitamin, BCAA, HMB, Beta-alanine, glucosamine, etc.

Additionally, it is quite likely that this list will prove to be outdated in a few years as more research comes out.

Lastly, it’s important to have the proper mindset.

Think in terms of playing the long game. This is for your health as well as your appearance.

If you believe you have what it takes …

Then you do!

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