Pu Erh Tea Weight Loss Does It Really Work?

pu erh tea weight loss

Pu Erh Tea Weight Loss

pu erh tea weight loss

Pu Erh tea weight loss can help you shed pounds quickly.

For those not familiar with Pu Erh tea it’s a unique form of tea from the Yunnan province.

This tea helps you lose weight by allowing you to increase the speed of digestion.

To experience the best results drinking this tea combined with exercise and a healthy diet can give you amazing results.

If you’d like to know more about Pu Erh tea weight loss.

Read on to discover what you have been missing out on.

pu erh tea weight loss

CLICK HERE FOR Pu Erh Tea Weight Loss

Pu Erh Tea For Weight Loss?

This tea is healthy beverage and has a long history of Chinese tea.

Although it can help reduce fat this tea has a strong taste.

It has a deep earthy flavor and it is delicious to drink as it also helps to burn fat and shed pounds.

The best time to drink Pu Erh tea for weight loss is one hour after a meal.

Drinking it at this time can help to eliminate unwanted hard to digest fats from your body.

However, it’s important to know if you drink Pu Erh tea half an hour or more before your meal it will actually cause the opposite results and can cause you to gain weight.

With that being said it’s important to drink Pu Erh Tea at the right time.

Those who drink purely for weight loss actually drink it throughout the day and they don’t add any other teas to drink besides Pu Erh tea.

Art of Tea - Tea of the Month

Pu Erh Tea Weight Loss Best Way To Use It.

It’s best to drink pu erh tea with a small healthy meal such as salad or vegetables throughout the day and try to refrain from large meals.

Do this until you have reached your weight loss goal.

Then you can gradually resume your normal diet as you continue drinking this tea to maintain your weight.

You may experience feeling hungry when drinking Pu Erh Tea.

When this happens make sure to eat a small meal or healthy foods such as vegetables or fruit and this can help your hunger.

pu erh tea weight loss

Pu Erh Tea Weight Loss How Do You Make It?

It’s common to use 1 g of tea per 50 mL of water and steep for a short period of time.

You will only need to steep the first cup for about 20 seconds.

Each time you reuse the leaves just add another 15 to 20 seconds of brewing time.

Below Are Tips For Drinking Pu Erh Tea:

For best results drink throughout the day and strictly drink Pu Erh tea and replace it with all your other drinks.

Drinking this tea with your breakfast can also help speed your weight loss goal.

What does Pu Erh Tea taste like?

It’s a unique tasting tea best described as an earthly flavor and taste.


Thanks for reading this Pu Erh tea weight loss.

Drinking this tea throughout the day can help you lose weight.

And with a healthy diet and exercise plan, you can speed up your weight loss goals.

This is a secret Chinese way to keep the fat off.

Now you can enjoy it too!

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