10 Foods That Suppress Appetite Weight Loss Made Simple

foods that suppress appetite

Foods that suppress appetite.

Discover 10 foods that suppress appetite.

When it comes to losing weight it’s a 50/50 mix of exercise and diet.

I’ve always been good with the exercise portion, but when it comes to eating healthy… That’s where I was lacking.

And it showed as I got older I wasn’t able to eat what I wanted and just get by with exercising like I could when I was younger.

I found I was gaining weight and my clothes were getting tighter.

Something had to change because I wasn’t happy with this increase in weight.

I decided to get my eating habits in check.

Below You Will Discover What I Learned about Eating Foods That Suppress Your Appetite:

10 Natural Appetite Suppressant Foods For Weight Loss

Changing your diet can help you lose weight and eating the following foods can help to suppress your appetite naturally:

#1. Almonds

Eating a handful of almonds has a variety of health benefits and it’s a great appetite suppressant.

#2. Coffee

foods that suppress appetite

#3. Apples

Apples taste great and no matter which type of apple you enjoy eating an apple or two a day can help to suppress your appetite.

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#4. Water

foods that suppress appetite

If you are like me you enjoy sodas and sports drinks more than a glass of water although if you switch to water it can help you naturally lose weight.

Just reduce your intake of juice, soda, and other beverages and replace them with water and you’ll soon look and feel better.

#5. Dark Chocolate

I’m not a fan of dark chocolate although I’ve learned to add it to my diet because the bitter taste signals the body to decrease your appetite.

foods that suppress appetite

#6. Green Tea

foods that suppress appetite

READ: Best Loose Leaf Tea- Want To Lose Weight Fast?

#7. Oatmeal

#8. Salmon

Salmon is a great source of protein and is packed with omega 3 fatty acids.

It’s low in calories and packed with protein.

READ: Leptin Diet Food List

#9. Cinnamon

Sprinkle cinnamon on your favorite meals although cinnamon enhances flavor there are many other benefits you can learn about on medical news today.

foods that suppress appetite

#10. Whey Protein

Protein can be a good meal replacement or help you eat healthy when you feel hungry.

foods that suppress appetite


Foods that suppress appetite taste great and can help you stop over eating as well as replace foods in your diet that may be causing you to gain weight.

Of course just supplementing foods can’t be all you do if you are serious about losing weight.

You should include exercise that you complete at least 3 or 4 times per week.

Just walking for 20 or 30 minutes a day can help you with weight loss.

If you know of someone that could benefit from foods that suppress appetite.

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